CCF Newsletter - March 20th
Canada-China Focus
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Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Pacific Canada Heritage Centre: My Journey, My Roots - What Is the State of Antiracism Today? (Event)

Canada/US-China Relations

Voices&BridgesFear Across Borders: Chinese Americans And The Shadow Of Surveillance (Video)

Written by: Rong Xiaoqing

Since 2018, the relationship between the U.S. and China has fallen to a historic low since the two countries resumed their relationship in 1979 after a 30-year freeze when the Chinese Community Party took over China.  
It started with former President Donald Trump’s trade war against China, in which the U.S. accused China of stealing American intellectual property. The accusation was met with vehement pushback from Chinese President Xi Jinping. Both countries then proceeded to intensify their operations against influence and espionage activities from the other.  As a result, Chinese immigrants on both ends of the political spectrum have become haunted by government agents in China and the United States. Their political activity is now cast under a magnifying glass and is causing immense repercussions for them and their families. Paranoia and fear are spreading in New York City’s Chinese communities, pushing once-active members of the community to focus their time on benign pursuits.




Global News: Chinese tourism to Canada still lags behind pre-pandemic levels, data shows

Published: March 11, 2024
Written by: Nathaniel Dove

Data released by Statistics Canada shows Chinese tourism is far behind pre-pandemic levels, reaching barely a third of those numbers last year as tensions remain fraught between Ottawa and Beijing.

Global News asked the Chinese embassy in Ottawa about the status but did not hear back by deadline. Embassy staff previously told Global News “[t]he Canadian side has repeatedly hyped up the so-called ‘Chinese interference,’ and rampant and discriminatory anti-Asian acts and words are rising significantly in Canada.”

China and the World

CNN: Chinese envoy meets Hamas chief Haniyeh after first visit to Israel since Gaza war began

Published: March 19, 2024
Written by: Simone McCarthy & Wayne Chang

Chinese diplomat Wang Kejian met Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar, China’s Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, the first meeting between a Chinese and Hamas official publicly acknowledged by Beijing since the outbreak of the war in Gaza.

Wang’s visit comes as Beijing aims to step up its profile as a peace broker and has become increasingly vocal in its opposition to the Gaza war.

Wang, a former ambassador to Lebanon, has been in the region since at least March 10 when he met with counterparts in Egypt, before traveling to the West Bank, Israel and Qatar as part of a previously unannounced trip in which the war in Gaza has been high on the agenda.

CNN: China says US TikTok ban ‘an act of bullying’ that would backfire

Published: March 13, 2024
Written by: Nectar Gan, Marc Stewart & Wayne Chang

China has described a potential TikTok ban as “an act of bullying” that would backfire on America.
The comments, made by China’s foreign ministry on Wednesday, came hours before a House of Representatives vote on legislation that would force TikTok’s Chinese owner ByteDance to sell the popular short video app to an American company — or face being barred in the US, where it boasts over 170 million users.

Wang accused the US of “resorting to acts of bullying” when it could not succeed in fair competition, saying such practice would disrupt market operations, undermine investor confidence and sabotage the global economic order.




Chen, China's permanent representative to the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, said that artificial intelligence is a new field of human development and should adhere to the concept of consultation, joint construction, and shared benefits, while working together to promote the governance of artificial intelligence.

The new generation of children has become one of the main groups using and benefiting from AI technology. The joint statement emphasized the importance of children's mental health issues.

China Dialogue: ‘It worries me deeply’: Five Chinese experts on climate change

Published: March 7, 2024

"We asked five environmental experts from academia and civil society what they made of the Year of the Rabbit, and what they were most proud of."
China experienced a spate of heatwaves, droughts, rainstorms and typhoons. This extreme weather was down to a mixture of human-caused climate change and the return of the El Niño natural weather phenomenon.
How China responds to these challenges is crucial, and not just in terms of policy at the macro scale.
With this in mind, and as we enter the Year of the Dragon, we asked civil society groups and academics active in China’s environmental sector about the work they have been doing over the past 12 months. What did they think was the most significant environment-related event or policy of 2023? And what gave them the greatest sense of accomplishment?




CGTN: China issues guidelines on region-specific environment management

Published: March 18, 2024

China plans to adopt a region-specific approach to environment protection and ecological conservation, according to guidelines released on Sunday.

By 2025, the country aims to designate the areas that should be covered by ecological conservation, especially areas that are subject to high resource consumption, severe environmental pollution and ecological damage, according to the guidelines. By 2035, the system will be implemented nationwide, offering the foundation for the country's efforts to build a more beautiful China.
Countering Anti-Asian Racism

Global Times: Chinese community organizations in Montreal sue Royal Canadian Mounted Police for defamation

Published: March 7, 2024
Written by: GT staff reporters

In August 2023, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) distributed a "security alert" to the media, alleging that China had established seven "police stations" in Canada, including the two aforementioned organizations in Quebec.

This 15-page document has become a major weapon for some opposition parties and politicians in Canada to hype "Chinese interference in Canadian politics," causing significant discrimination against the local Chinese community. 

The accusations by the RCMP have seriously disrupted the normal lives of Chinese people in Quebec, and have also caused significant impacts to the economic, social and community functions of the Chinese groups in the region.




Global News: 2nd lawsuit filed in connection with alleged Chinese ‘police stations’ probe (Video)

Published: March 8, 2024
Written by: Phil Carpenter

A Montreal-area Chinese community centre and its director have launched a defamation lawsuit against Brossard Mayor Doreen Assaad. Xixi Li, executive director of the Centre Sino-Québec de la Rive-Sud and also a Brossard city councillor, says she intends to restore her reputation.
“I am saddened that rather than defend my right to the presumption of innocence, my colleague has chosen to vilify me,” she wrote. “It is not easy for racialized women to fulfill multiple roles in family, community and public service, so I had expected more solidarity from another female elected official.”
Universities   International Students

AP News: After the pandemic, young Chinese again want to study abroad, just not so much in the US

Published: March 16, 2024
Written by: Didi Tang
With an interest in studying abroad rebounding after the pandemic, there are signs that the decades-long run that has sent an estimated 3 million Chinese students to the U.S., including many of the country’s brightest, could be trending down, as geopolitical shifts redefine U.S.-China relations.
Cutting people-to-people exchanges could have a lasting impact on relations between the two countries.

“International education is a bridge,” said Fanta Aw, executive director of the NAFSA Association of International Educators, based in Washington. “A long-term bridge, because the students who come today are the engineers of the future. They are the politicians of the future, they are the business entrepreneurs of the future.”

Women's International League for Peace & Freedom: "On to Ottawa Peace Caravan"

Event: In-person screening of "Between Peace and Distance"

When: March 26
Where: The Black Box Studio at Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society at 1131 Howe Street, Vancouver BC.

Further details on the screening:

UBC: Heaven has eyes: Judicial populism in the Chinese legal imagination (Event)

When: Wednesday, March 27, 5-6:30 pm with reception to follow
Where: Coach House, Green College, UBC

This talk begins with two Chinese expressions that seem to endorse opposite justice principles: 相 (mutual shielding among kin) and 大 (placing justice above family loyalty). Should one shield one’s kin from the law, or turn them in if justice demands it? From this apparent contradiction, Haiyan Lee argues that judicial populism—privileging substantive goals over procedural fairness—is built into the Chinese justice tradition in which high justice always trumps low justice. She illustrates this argument with the 2014 film《黄克功案件》(The Case of Huang Kegong).